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Australia to Bageshwar Dham Distance

Australia to Bageshwar Dham Distance

The distance from Australia to Bageshwar Dham, located in Chhatarpur district, Madhya Pradesh, India, depends on the departure city in Australia. Here’s an approximate breakdown:

  1. Air Travel:
    Australia is approximately 9,000 to 12,000 kilometers away from India, depending on the Australian city (e.g., Sydney, Melbourne, or Perth). A flight to India (e.g., Delhi or Mumbai) typically takes 10-15 hours.
  2. From Indian Airports to Bageshwar Dham:
    • Nearest Airport: Khajuraho Airport (approx. 35 km from Bageshwar Dham).
    • From major Indian airports like Delhi or Mumbai, you can take a connecting flight or train to reach Khajuraho, followed by a short road journey.
  3. Total Travel Time:
    Including layovers and road travel, the total time could range from 16-24 hours or more.

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How to reach australia to bageshwar dham

To travel from Australia to Bageshwar Dham, here’s a detailed guide:

Step 1: Fly from Australia to India

  1. Book a flight from a major Australian city (e.g., Sydney, Melbourne, Perth) to a major Indian airport.
    • Common destinations: Delhi (DEL) or Mumbai (BOM).
    • Airlines: Qantas, Air India, Singapore Airlines, etc.
    • Flight time: 10-15 hours, depending on the route and layovers.

Step 2: Travel from the Indian Airport to Khajuraho or Chhatarpur

  1. Fly to Khajuraho Airport (HJR):
    • From Delhi or Mumbai, book a domestic flight to Khajuraho Airport (the nearest airport to Bageshwar Dham).
    • Flight time: ~1.5-2 hours.
  2. Alternative Option: Train or Road Journey
    • From Delhi: Board a train to Chhatarpur (nearest railway station).
      • Train options: Mahamana Express, Bundelkhand Express.
      • Duration: 10-12 hours.
    • From Mumbai: Travel by train or flight to Jhansi and continue by road to Chhatarpur.

Step 3: Travel from Khajuraho or Chhatarpur to Bageshwar Dham

  • From Khajuraho: Take a taxi or bus (~35 km, 1-hour drive).
  • From Chhatarpur: Drive or hire a taxi (~18 km, 30-minute drive).

Estimated Travel Time

  • Total travel time: 16-24 hours (depending on layovers and transport choices).