Australia to Bageshwar Dham Distance
The distance from Australia to Bageshwar Dham, located in Chhatarpur district, Madhya Pradesh, India, depends on the departure city in Australia. Here’s an approximate breakdown:
- Air Travel:
Australia is approximately 9,000 to 12,000 kilometers away from India, depending on the Australian city (e.g., Sydney, Melbourne, or Perth). A flight to India (e.g., Delhi or Mumbai) typically takes 10-15 hours.
- From Indian Airports to Bageshwar Dham:
- Nearest Airport: Khajuraho Airport (approx. 35 km from Bageshwar Dham).
- From major Indian airports like Delhi or Mumbai, you can take a connecting flight or train to reach Khajuraho, followed by a short road journey.
- Total Travel Time:
Including layovers and road travel, the total time could range from 16-24 hours or more.
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How to reach australia to bageshwar dham
To travel from Australia to Bageshwar Dham, here’s a detailed guide:
Step 1: Fly from Australia to India
- Book a flight from a major Australian city (e.g., Sydney, Melbourne, Perth) to a major Indian airport.
- Common destinations: Delhi (DEL) or Mumbai (BOM).
- Airlines: Qantas, Air India, Singapore Airlines, etc.
- Flight time: 10-15 hours, depending on the route and layovers.
Step 2: Travel from the Indian Airport to Khajuraho or Chhatarpur
- Fly to Khajuraho Airport (HJR):
- From Delhi or Mumbai, book a domestic flight to Khajuraho Airport (the nearest airport to Bageshwar Dham).
- Flight time: ~1.5-2 hours.
- Alternative Option: Train or Road Journey
- From Delhi: Board a train to Chhatarpur (nearest railway station).
- Train options: Mahamana Express, Bundelkhand Express.
- Duration: 10-12 hours.
- From Mumbai: Travel by train or flight to Jhansi and continue by road to Chhatarpur.
Step 3: Travel from Khajuraho or Chhatarpur to Bageshwar Dham
- From Khajuraho: Take a taxi or bus (~35 km, 1-hour drive).
- From Chhatarpur: Drive or hire a taxi (~18 km, 30-minute drive).
Estimated Travel Time
- Total travel time: 16-24 hours (depending on layovers and transport choices).