Bageshwar Dham Jalgaon Maharashtra Katha
Bageshwar Dham Jalgaon Maharashtra Katha
Bageshwar Dham Sarkar Coming Jalgaon Maharashtra from 26 December to 30 December 2024
Distance Between Jalgaon to Bageshwar
The distance between Jalgaon (Maharashtra) and Bageshwar (Uttarakhand) depends on the route taken. Here are some approximate distances:
- By Road:
The distance is around 1,700-1,800 km, depending on the specific route. It typically takes around 30-35 hours of driving.
- By Train:
There is no direct train between Jalgaon and Bageshwar. You might need to travel via nearby major railway stations such as Haldwani or Kathgodam, which are closer to Bageshwar. From there, you can take a bus or taxi to Bageshwar.
- By Air:
The nearest airport to Bageshwar is Pantnagar Airport, and the nearest airport to Jalgaon is Aurangabad Airport or Mumbai Airport. Flights followed by a road journey may reduce travel time.