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London to Bageshwar Dham Distance

London to Bageshwar Dham Distance

London to Bageshwar Dham Distance

The distance from London (United Kingdom) to Bageshwar Dham in Chhatarpur district, Madhya Pradesh, India, involves a mix of air and ground travel. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Approximate Distance

  1. London to India (Air Distance): ~6,700–7,200 km.
  2. Within India to Bageshwar Dham:
    • From Delhi: ~640 km by road/train.
    • From Khajuraho: ~35 km by road.

How to Reach Bageshwar Dham from London

Step 1: Fly from London to India

  • Book a flight from London Heathrow Airport (LHR) to a major Indian city like:
    • Delhi (Indira Gandhi International Airport - DEL) or
    • Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport - BOM).
  • Flight Duration: ~8–9 hours.

Step 2: Travel from Indian City to Khajuraho or Chhatarpur

  1. By Air:
    • Fly from Delhi or Mumbai to Khajuraho Airport (HJR) (closest airport to Bageshwar Dham).
    • Flight Duration: ~1.5–2 hours.
  2. By Train:
    • From Delhi: Take a train to Chhatarpur (nearest railway station).
      • Duration: ~10–12 hours.
    • From Mumbai: Take a train to Jhansi, then a road trip to Chhatarpur (~4 hours).

Step 3: Travel to Bageshwar Dham

  • From Khajuraho: Taxi or local transport (~35 km, ~1 hour).
  • From Chhatarpur: Taxi or auto-rickshaw (~18 km, ~30 minutes).

Total Estimated Time

  • Flight from London to India: 8–9 hours.
  • Internal Travel in India: 6–12 hours, depending on mode of transport.
  • Total: ~15–24 hours.